How to turn Ivi into a glace into Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Playing in the tropical landscape of Pale in the latest Pokémon game, you can understand that there are not a lot Pokémon of the ice type. This does not make them impossible, just a little difficult if you do not know where to get them. One of the most beloved poems of the ice type is the famous Evolution, Glace on. Unfortunately, this is not the Pokémon that can be easily obtained by simply catching it or increasing the level of IVI to a certain level. This can cause the question of how exactly you add Glace on to your group?

How to get GLACE ON in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Glace on evolves from Eleven after introducing it to the ice st1. Ice stone is an evolutionary stone that can help poems of the ice type to develop without the need to increase their level or study certain movements. Unfortunately, ice stones are not as easy to get as sheet stones or dawn stones. These specific stones require you to search for Mount Glazayado an area for the radiation of objects on Earth. Places are always random, but you have a few chances to find them for yourself.


As soon as you purchase an ice stone, just enter your bags of other items of your pocket and apply the stone to your Eleven. Then the evolutionary video will unfold, and the Glasgow will be added to both your group and to your pound.

To learn more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, read the sections How to win the Fighting Team Star Era in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet and How to Get Kings Rock in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet only in professional guidelines!
