How to divide glasses in Marauuders

In the end, playing Marauders, you will need to separate the stacks of objects such as ammunition or materials. Nevertheless, doing this is not entirely clear when you start. This is because the game does not explain the function or how to do it. Fortunately, it is easy to divide ammunition and other stacks of objects as soon as you deal with this function.

Nevertheless, if you want to divide the piles of ammunition or objects, you must first Click with the left mouse button using a mouse on any object that you want to divide, and then move it to a new slot in your inventory. During the movement of the object, click the left Ctrl button, and a pop-up window will appear, which allows separating the stack. To divide the stack with a new pop-up window, select how much you want to divide the stack with a slider, and then press the split cover as shown below.

How to rotate objects in Marauders


To rotate objects in Marauders, you need to click with the left mouse button and drag the object into a new slot. Holding the item, press the button R and your item will turn left or right to match horizontally or vertically in the inventory slot. However, you cannot rotate all the elements; Only objects that occupy more than two slots can be turned.

How to increase a place in the inventory

To increase the place in the inventory in Marauders, you must place items in backpacks or storage containers. You can also increase the number of available slots by spending prestige glasses. We recommend that you create at least light backpacks or collect a commandos backpacks and use them for storage.

To find out more about Marauders, we at Pro Game Guides have provided you with such guides as where to find security officers in Marauders and Explanation of creation in Marauuders-how to create objects, weapons and armor.
