New Player Experience (or in short NP) is the new intro tutorial that was published in September for EVE Online. And that was urgently needed because published since the Free2Play game in 2003, it was thanks to massive patches and always elusive course updates for new players in New Eden, the game world (or rather the worlds), foot.
As one might think, the NP comes in quite handy. Here in theory all the gameplay elements are explained, players brought slowly to the game mechanics and finally prepared perfectly released into the galaxy. And in practice? Oh, well.
Table of contents
- Page 1Einsteigerfreundlichkeits check, Page 1: What is EVE Online, anyway?
- 1.1Eine far, very distant galaxy
- 1.2Rekordverdächtig
- 1.3Spacewirtschafts simulator
- 1.4Master of the Universe
2. Page 2Einsteigerfreundlichkeits check, Page 2: Is EVE Online now there for everyone?
1. 2.1Die New Player Experience in theory...
2. 2.2... and in practice.
3. Page 3Einsteigerfreundlichkeits check, Page 3: What happens with EVE Online?
1. 3.1Wass new?
2. 3.2Fazit
4. Page 4Bildergalerie to Eve Online: What is the beginner-friendly space MMO...
- Unfolding
A far very distant galaxy
EVE Online: How beginner-friendly is the space MMO today? (1) Source: CCP Games But first: What is (buy now €29.95) EVE Online üüberhaupt? The answer is not so easy. Is it a simulation? Is it an RPG? Or something completely different? Somehow its all the same. It does in space. This is already clear. And that you are not alone, either.
Because in EVE Online is also an MMO. And what one. Since its release, the title has namely the reputation of being particularly complex and, for newcomers, almost worked out impossible game to understand. And here I am — newcomers. Play new items, they said. Puff.
In EVE, you play a capsule pilots. These are persons belonging to one of four groups and fly in spaceships through space. So far, so simple. These parties differ partly strongly from each other. The Amaru example: These are slave traders, who see themselves as the chosen of God race.
They have, however, heavily armored spaceships with laser guns. Or you decide for the patriotic and democratic Gallant with their armed drone ships. Or is it the once oppressed by the Amaru Minister?
These fractions are constantly at war with each other (otherwise would be boring), which is why it often stops into fights with AI opponents and of course other players, MMO, will involve. And that can be quite demanding.
Especially when I fight as a beginner with my inferior ship against a pilot veteran. Fortunately, I do not float in the event of defeat forever as lifeless body in the vastness of space around, because as a capsule-pilot I have the privilege to be cloned after each death.
Also interesting: EVE Online Studio boss appears in a dream and want to rule the world
EVE Online: How beginner-friendly is the space MMO today? (2) Source: CCP Games Annoying but it later in the game if I lose valuable spaceships. And not just in the virtual universe, because the boats are in real life some value. 2017 were destroyed during an event in the game in a battle spaceships worth US $13,000. For a battle the game equal received two entries in the Guinness Book of Records.
2020 players for 33,000 US dollars bought the Golden Magnate, a really powerful ship of the Amaru Empire. By comparison, obtained the ship at the start, only $0.05 is worth. But now times even further in the text.
Space Economic Simulator
First, I create a character. And I initially select one of the above groups and a class. The former determine the appearance of my early spaceship. The game play my choice it has no effect, because in EVE I can be anything I want. Then it goes to create the character editor to the game character. And it begins.
A server I do not seek, because all the players are together on a giant playground. This means that almost 7,500 planetary systems and 2013, approximately 65,000 same gambling players. These are big numbers for a big game and we (plural majestic) are in the middle.
EVE Online also a simulation, you realize the game in many places. Because all economic and political relations are the responsibility of the players. You make the world and its rules.
So powerful player groups set market prices for resources and other festival, others are feared for raids on nothing sensitive players. CCP Games does not intervene even with fraud or theft, but leaves the players to address and punish.
Eve Online: How to Friendly Is The Space MMO today? (3) Source: CCP Games Since the bustle has occurred for around 18 years on the same server, some pilots have reached a certain reputation and awareness to the legend status. There is a veritable war to control the nobleness zero-zero area, and one wants to overflow to another player group, one must prepare for it, in terms of origin, former allies and enemies and committed crimes on heart and kidneys To be checked (of course In game).
That can even take up to a few weeks. The players make their virtual world on an extent that I have rarely noticed until not yet in other games. The tremendous freedom is clearly the biggest strength of Eve Online.
Master of the Universe
Because not only the galaxy can be designed. My character can also take advantage of important roles and perform a variety of activities. So you can decide if I want to pursue a scientific career as exploration, an industrialist and mining on asteroids run, or carry activities proceed as pirates or vice versa pirate hunts to call only a few examples.
All this is as complex and complex that one is quenched as a new player immediately. Exactly that should counteract the new Player Experience. But is that possible?
Continue on page 2 with the answer to question: Can you play Eve online thanks to the update without having studied before?
See all 6 pictures in the gallery
Eve Online: How to Friendly Is The Space MMO today? (1) [Source: CCP Games]
From Leonard Fink author & Lukas Schmidt Editorial manager 20.11.2021 at 12:00
1 2... 4 Enterprising Check, page 1: What is Eve Online at all? Entry-level-friendly check, page 2: Is Eve online now for everyone? Enterprising-friendly check, page 3: How to continue with Eve Online? Picture gallery To Eve Online: How to Friendly Is The Space MMO today?
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