Ninja Theory presents new generation photorealism technology for a new horror game

After a disappointing exit from Ninja Theory at the beginning of 2020 titled Bleeding Edge, they returned to the drawing board to take a new direction. Project Mara promises to be one of the most ambitious titles of this generation of consoles, at least from a technical point of view.

Detailed in the visual journal shown above, Ninja Theory demonstrates part of the breathtaking technology and talent they used to capture a real apartment to the specifications of dust and fluff on the floor.

By focusing first on the materials, the artistic team captured photos of the apartment under different lights next to color samples. For the materials they have been able to take home (for example, the leather of the chairs), they used a custom scanner that could capture extremely detailed photos of the samples under different lighting conditions. The team watched something unique about this approach. These typical 2D textures that game developers use for these same materials are actually 3D. To quote Tameem Antoniades, creative leader Ninja at Ninja Theory, ... a fun thing happens when you get closer to a material ... things that seem flat from far become 3D. He speaks with reference to the folds of the leather, then with dust and stuffed stuffed in these folds, and transforms what we perceive as a flat in a complex object in 3 dimensions.

The video is fascinating because the tools the team uses to place the fluff and dust are not handmade because it would take an eternity. Instead, these dust particles are rendered as physical objects and bounce around the environment to simulate a natural distribution of debris.

Finally, the team needed to replicate the layout of the apartment to complete the virtual environment. It could not be done with a tape measure, according to Antoniades. Instead, they used a company called Clear Angle, specializing in part capture technology. The result was a complex point cloud that could be integrated into the engine to recreate the environment with all materials that had been collected previously. The results are bluffing.

There are no news on an exit date for Project Mara, but we will wait on the edge of our seats to have the chance to discover this perfect horror title. What do you think of this technology? Is it really necessary? Let us know in the comments below!

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