Hideo Kojima says a failure of linear death was not an option

Recently, Hideo Kojima climbed on the stage of Gamescom 2019 to unveil new amazing images of Death Stranding, including gameplay and an introduction to new characters. At the event in Cologne, Germany, he sat down for an interview where he talks about the decision to make Death Stranding an open global title, as opposed to a linear title.

In an interview with the German website, Hideo Kojima, 4Players, said he just could not go back to a linear title with Death Stranding after making the jump into the open world with Metal Gear Solid V: ghost pain . Here s what he had to say about the subject, Well, after experiencing an action game in an open world, you can not just come back to something else. That s what I thought. Due to interactivity. Of course, there are other ways to create a game. A linear game for example. However, I can not go back after having experienced having a large-scale world in a game. He continued by saying, The problem, however, is technology. Of course, he is technically technically difficult to create an open world. The player has the greatest possible freedom in an open world. Therefore, you are never really sure what the player will do. In this context, telling stories in an open world is The most important challenge. As there is more and more freedom, it means that history sometimes hinders distraction. So, in Phantom bread, I started with a kind of experience starting with linear. And Once the world opens, the story fakes in a sense. Some fans of Hideo Kojima were not happy that the story goes into the background. But it was done very conscious.

Kojima compared the differences in the creation of Metal Gear Solid V: the ghostly pain to death. It seems he seeks to satisfy his fans and that history is not occuld as a result of the model of the open world. This time, it was the biggest challenge and the biggest obstacle: it is an open world, but at the same time, we do not want to reduce the importance of history, so the Hideo games fans Kojima will not be disappointed.

The last titarian Kojima should go out exclusively on PS4 on November 8th. Are you looking forward to diving into the open world of Death Stranding? Let us share your thoughts in the comments below and do not forget to keep it key for updates!

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