yearss personality of the year 2019: Hideo Kojima

Kojima Productions Co., Ltd. is a Japanese computer game development workshop established in 2005 by computer game designer Hideo Kojima, designer of the Metal Gear collection. It was developed as a subsidiary of Konami. The studio had around 100 workers, but grew to over 200 for Metal Equipment Strong 4: Guns of the Patriots. After leaving Konami as well as finishing the contract, Kojima reformed the firm as an independent workshop in Shinagawa.

A story that deserves the man himself.

The Death Stranding is a splitting game, goes by itself. Although Gamingbolt liked it very much, it is not denial that the aesthetics, narrative style and the game material as well as the gameplay structure and mechanics of the game together The package resulted in less people as Kojima Metall gear series. We recognize that - and that should not be called that we ignore all that. Death Stranding has, like most great works of art that tries something new, alienated a few people. But that s the way it was The legend of Zelda: Breath of the wilderness and these games are among the best ever turned. That s why Death Stranding is in good company at this front.

However, this piece is not intended to investigate Death Stranding itself. Rather, this should be a congratulation of the developer Hideo Kojima, which we distinguish this year with the personality of the year.

Similar to Death Stranding Also Kojima alienates a few people with his authors approach, and that s fine. The most important point on which one should remember is that Kojima supports the lightning with a lot of substance. The celebrity gossip and paparazzi pictures are underpinned by him and deliver a really great game. And in the case of Death Stranding, I feel that his performance is more than before.

Hideo Kojima separated from the publisher Konami, with whom he had spent his entire professional life, after a bitter exit in 2015. Without responding to the details of the debt (both was almost sure; conflicts like these are rarely driven by just one side) Can we see that Kojima was without development team, development pipeline, IP or Publisher. The fact that Kojima was able to create a new development studio between 2016 and 2019 - a period of three years - a); b) win and build talents for this studio; c) set up a development pipeline; d) Creating a new IP and e) to complete the development of a brand new Open World Game is really breathtaking.

The context is that the development of modern games invaluated a lot of time. Horizon was nearly 5 years in development. How was God of War. How was The legend of Zelda: the wilderness breath. Or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Red Dead Redemption 2 was almost a decade in development. Even metal Gear Solid V was in the development for almost 5 years. A processing time of 3 years is incredible when starting from the front.

To be fair, Kojima had a lot of help - he had not only colleagues who were ready to take the leap when he founded his new studio, but Sony also gave him the financial support to build his studio the technology to build to develop his new game with the Decima Engine. In fact, Guerilla Games (DECIMA supplier) even supported Kojima and his team developing the project. It was Kojima sure that he did not have to develop from the ground up a completely new engine and had the support of one of the best and most renowned publishers in the world to implement this.

But even there you have to think about: Which other developer could have published a well-known publisher to market something so strange and difficult to market, like Death Stranding ? Which other developer could have been able to obtain money and technical support from a platform holder while not only reserving the game for his platform (remember Death Stranding also comes to the PC)? Which other developer would have managed to make a game so strange and so much financial support to get that the occupation of Death Stranding reads like a Hollywood who s who s WHO? Which developer to express it simply could have gotten a free letter for what is a glorified passion project in the end?

The reason why Kojima had the necessary support to enforce Death Stranding in time is that he has already demonstrated his remarkable talent as a developer and artist. Sony was ready to bow backwards to meet Kojima and his wishes, because he is Kojima. It is a self-fulfilling argument, but Kojima needed decades of hard work and incredible games to reach the point where the argument would fulfill from the beginning.

So it s easy to understand why we admire Kojima s performance here: Because it is noteworthy, no matter how you cut it or dice. The fact that a man in three years from nothing became able to build independently and to deliver an AAA game of the open world, deserves far more recognition and praise than it is the case.

This does not necessarily mean Death Stranding is mindful our favorite game of the year (the Gamingbolt game of the year is Sekiro: Shadows the Twice); But we say that of all the great personalities who have to do with video games, Hideo Kojima will remember the most this year because he has overcome the opportunities to deliver Death Stranding to us.

Was it worth it? I say yes, but it is free to be different. I will not do that as if Death Stranding would not split people in the middle. Whatever you think of the ultimate quality of the game, it s hard to deny that the story as it originated is almost as exciting as the game itself - suitable when it comes to a hideo-kojima story acts.
